The Future of Work Collective is an innovative self-managed boutique consultancy of senior corporate professionals who radically reinvented their own ways of working.
We are not traditional consultants but rather catalysts and guides co-creating your self-directed journey.
Our purpose is to transform corporate culture for a brighter future for all.
We catalyse innovation teams to adopt more effective learning, collaboration and leadership practices based on a culture of authentic trust and human connection.
We are NZ-based yet work with globally distributed catalysts connected through our shared passion about the human element at work. For our projects, we curate the best people locally and globally who all authentically practice new ways of working in their daily life. Get to know us below.
Our Catalysts
Our catalysts have over 150 combined years of experience in new ways of working across the globe and regularly work on projects together. Formed, normed, stormed, performing for you.

Sandra Otto
Drawing on 30 years of international experience in high tech, strategy, innovation, learning and transformation, I love uplifting individuals and teams from startups to corporations. As a futurist, I believe in new paradigms of work, business and economy that lead to prosperity for all people and our planet.
I work remotely from Waiheke Island whilst I also teach yoga, swim, read, cook and garden.
My practical experience in new ways of working comes from being an Enspiral contributor, an Associate of HYPR, an SAP Alumni, an active curator in the Connectle Community and a solopreneur pioneering an intellect+intuition-based innovation consultancy.
Work experience in NZ, AUS, ZA, DE, FR, IT, IN, CN, US

Leslie Hamilton
I am a change facilitator and leadership coach experienced in people and organisational performance. I assist professionals to create change by changing the conversations they have with themselves and others. Using researched, practical and creative techniques, I help my clients contribute their unique value to others and be valued by others for their uniqueness.
My practical experience in new ways of working comes from directing a self-managed collective, being a long-standing independent contractor and coach as well as intra- and solopreneur running FutureScape.
Work Experience in NZ, US

Lani Dodds
My happy place is using human-centred principles and systems thinking practices to take people on a journey to reimagine business with people at the centre - because when people thrive, businesses thrive.
I created my Mucho Aroha ltd for the purpose of making the way we work together more inclusive - so work works for more people. And I help businesses use culture as a marketing strategy.
I am a solo mum of two amazing daughters who teach me a lot about myself and how people flourish.
My practical experience in new ways of working comes from being an Enspiral contributor and a contractor-solopreneur running Mucho Aroha.
Work Experience in NZ, UK

Sandra Chemin
I do regular talks, from big events to Executive Briefings about the Future of Work and How to design future-fit businesses.
I also design and create innovation experiences not only for new products and services but for the future of learning and the future of leadership.
My practical experience in new ways of working comes from being a serial entrepreneur, member of Enspiral, ambassador of Edmund Hillary Fellowship, founder of futureyou and participating in multiple project-related collectives.
Work Experience in NZ and BR

Stephen Hollins
My background is in acting, improv theatre and entrepreneurship, and I am the collective "game master".
My purpose is to open hearts through playfulness for people to engage more happily with life. I'm passionate about bringing mindfulness and enlivened expression to people through the arts.
I also practice new ways of working by being part of self-managed improv group, running largely self-managed building projects, solopreneur running Living Theatre and friend of Enspiral.
Work Experience in NZ, AUS, DE, Japan.

Sahana Chattopadhyay
Writer, Speaker, Coach, Facilitator, and an Organisational Development professional. I partner with individuals, teams, and businesses to build the capacities for transformative learning, sense-making, collaboration, deep listening and generative dialogues to thrive in exponentially uncertain, ambiguous, and complex times.
My practical experience in new ways of working comes from being an ex-community manager at Thoughtworks, ex-OD and HR consultant at Tata Consulting, a contractor-solopreneur running Proteeti Consulting and friend of Enspiral.
Work Experience in IN, EU, US

MJ Kaplan
I am a transformation coach who enables people, groups, enterprises and networks to thrive. I am a global thought leader on the future of work and social innovation. I guide groups to make sense of complex challenges, learn new ways to be and act and gain mastery and resilience. Based in the U.S., I have been a global citizen my whole life and see technology as scaffolding to unlock human-centred progress.
My practical experience in new ways of working comes from being an Enspiral contributor, a co-creator and board member of self-managed Loomio, ex-partner at The Ready, and a contractor-solopreneur running Kaplan Consulting.
Work Experience in US, NZ, Colombia

Lucia Die Gil
As an experienced coach, trainer and facilitator, I work with individuals, groups and organisations focused on stuff that matters, whether it is their own personal development, running social enterprises or leaders bringing consciousness into organisations.
I'm passionate about building bridges between individual and collective realities, between global and local approaches, and between people, creating integrated workplaces.
I also practice new ways of working by being an Enspiral member, a Greaterthan associate, a TEDx licensee, a solopreneur coach running Arohanui Coaching and an active member of the GTC community. Work Experience in NZ, ES, Libanon
Our Collaborators
We extend our teams to include diverse specialists to form the most potent teams for your purpose